
June 27, 2024


We're in Country Living Magazine

What feels like many moons ago, the eponymous magazine dedicated to all things country, came calling. Photographer Rachel Warne followed Julia and I around in the garden and writer Jo Simmons had tea with us in the studio and you can see the results this month when it hits the shelves. For a sneak peak see here...

February 27, 2024


Gifts for Mother Figures


To me, mothers come in many different guises.. Whether a grandmother, a sister, a sibling, an aunt or a treasured friend, Sunday 10th March is all about celebrating the nurturing spirit. I feel very lucky.. I intend to spend the day with my mother Julia, showing her my appreciation and telling her how much she's loved, but I share her with many friends and relatives all of whom would agree, she's a mother to them all. 

We have chosen a small range of gifts designed to delight, so if you feel like treating the one who makes you feel secure, nutured and loved, choose something from our selection to help bring a smile. Click on the image above to explore our edited collection xxx

February 06, 2024


Spring Flowers, in Paper

A new year of flowers has begun. The first shoots are appearing in the garden and never fail to bring a small sigh of relief and it feels especially poignant at the moment, with all that's going wrong in the world right now. Julia has been making her paper flowers again, inspired by the very first flowers to appear. Each one is made from crepe paper and she paints accents onto each one, to really (almost) bring them to life. We hope they bring a smile..

All these flowers and more are available to order by clicking here 

January 04, 2024


Heartfelt Thanks and Best Wishes

I'm writing this on a very cold and blustery evening, sheets of rain battering the window beside me and wind howling around our old house. I've just read yet another lovely email from one of our customers. She writes about how happy her friend was to receive a gift parcel from our shop, beautiful treats that she chose with love and care, which we wrapped for her in tissue and ribbon. It always heartens me when people feel the need to write lovely notes of thanks and it reminds me of how incredibly lucky Julia and I are to have such loyal customers, who still choose to shop with us after we closed our bricks and mortar store in Lewes a couple of years ago. Thank you to everyone who placed an order with us this year, each and every one of those orders gladdens our hearts. We wish you a very happy new year xxxx

September 02, 2023


Julia's Paper Irises

The irises bred by celebrated gardener Cedric Morris are renowned for their delicate beauty and unusual shades. Ragged flags in muted tones of coffee, cream, mauve-pink and deep purple ripple with colour in unexpected combinations.

Paper artist Julia Smith - a self confessed 'flower obsessive' who also happens to be one half of the FLINT team - has created these exquisite paper replicas inspired by visits to last year's Chelsea Flower Show, where she fell in love with the irises Sarah Price's 'Nurture Landscapes' garden, and to the garden that Cedric created, Benton End, in Suffolk.

Julia taught herself how to make paper flowers long ago when she was a child, having been given a book by her mother. Over recent years, she's taken up the craft once more and now sells her work via our website, through various fellow retailers and sends her flowers to collectors all over the world.

To learn more or to place an order,
please click the images   

June 05, 2023


Summer Shawls

Our latest collection from our favourite cashmere designers 'Cocowai', is a rainbow of colour and nothing beats the cosseting, luxurious feel of a super soft shawl next to your skin. Choose from a juicy palette of strong brights to subtle neturals. To place an order or to learn more, click the images...

March 06, 2023


Gifts for Mother Figures

For me, mothers come in many guises.. I consider myself very lucky to consider my own mum a friend and colleague too, someone I've worked alongside for almost twenty years and it's unusual I know, judging by the many reactions from aquaintances over the years (!) however, I believe there are aspects to being a mother that I can attribute to many of my friends. Mothering, motherly instincts, nuturing, loving aspects of their personalities are all valid reasons for giving thanks this Sunday. With this in mind, I've put together some gift ideas that I hope might bring a smile to someone you know who might need a treat. Click the violets below to take you to our edit..

However you decide to spend Sunday, I hope you have a lovely day x

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